Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday 10

1- Crazy haired babies. Yum.


2- Jeremiah’s work. While he works for a large company, I think that they try hard to focus on the individual workers. Jer started this job as just a way to “get through” school, but he has been promoted in the company enough that he can now support our family. AND they sent us to Australia, which I believe was the reason we had our Kaiah bug! Thanks Dentrix!

3- One of my students said that they always do my homework first because it “actually matters and has a purpose.” Fantastic

4- Lori and Jeff. They are fantastic grandparents and will drop anything to babysit our baby if we just ask. They drove the canyon to watch her tonight and she just loves it when they come – they play fun games with her! I feel so grateful to have them in both mine and my baby’s lives!

5- Serial killer shows. I admit, I am just a little (lot) obsessed with serial killers. Awesomist shows ever.

6- Coffee tables. While ours never hosts coffee, it does serve as a foot rest, laptop desk, dinner table, and (most importantly) Kaiah throw everything off-of toy.

7- Bread pudding. Especially chocolate bread pudding.

8- Windshield wipers. And windshields. They pretty much rock.

9- While we are on that subject, how about free rock chip repairs? I think they pretty much rock, too.

10- That I never, ever have to go to bed alone . . .

1 comment:

Mal said...

Im so glad you put Serial killer shows! lol. I almost wanted to but then I thought it would be weird! lol. WOOT WOOT FOR SHOWS LIKE THAT! I LOVE THEM!