Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blogging for Idiots?

So . . . for all of you creative bloggers out there, HOW in the world do you post pictures in cute little squares or right next to each other? You know, some of you all put multiple pictures together into, like, a picture square. Do you use a different program? I am slightly blogger-illiterate and need the help of you geniuses out there! Thanks a bunch blogger awesomers!


Ashley Smith said...

I really don't know but i think what it is, is that you can choose the size of your picture in the uploader and somtimes if they are smaller they can fit side by side. that is my best guess at least. miss you lady

Kamie said...

I KNOW RIGHT?!!!! It is ridic that we haven't figured that out!! LUV U!! I can't wait to find out this answer too :)

Natalie said...

Well....I know some people use other programs....But I am not quite that cool. The way I put my pictures together is when uploading the photos it asks for formating (ex: right, center, left, or NONE). I click on none. Then I just drag the pictures until they look the way I want them to. I usually also have to manually adjust the size. If your pictures are too wide they will end up looking like a single column of photos or a filmstrip. I am horrible at giving directions. I hope that made sense.

Katherine said...

hola Kasie! how are you this beautiful day? how are things down unduh? haha:) i miss you but i hope you are having a ball in ausiland!


PS you can reply on the officers blog because i don't take care of mine:)