The past month or so I have been doing a ton of research, and I have decided to feed Kaiah only homemade baby food. Did you know that most packaged baby foods contain artificial sweetener? I don’t put sugar on my bananas or sweet potatoes, so I have no idea why my baby would need that. Plus, baby food is expensive! Why should I pay so much money for food stuffed with things my baby doesn’t need when I can have total control over what goes into her body?
Both Jer and I know how difficult it is to try and break terrible eating habits that started as children, and we both want to make that part of life easier on Kaiah. It is already getting tough, though! Well meaning friends and family push sweets on kids like crazy without even thinking about it! I was motivated recently by a Jer’s cousin-in-law who, without hesitation, said “no” multiple times to distant relatives who offered sweets to her toddler. It is hard telling people you don’t know very well “no,” especially when they offer the food straight to the kid instead of the parent. But if she can do it, then I can do it, too!
Anywho, I don’t personally know anyone who has homemade their baby food, so I am starting this journey from scratch and just using the internet as my best friend. Do you know anyone who makes homemade baby food? Any suggestions on a good food processor?
And if you are interested, check out these two websites with all the how-to’s of making baby food!
Good job! I made a little babyfood with both kids, but did mostly jars. I have a great processor you can borrow, do you want me to bring it on Saturday? We dont really use it anymore since Allie can chew most of her food now. It's small, so it's quick to use and clean.
Kasie that is awesome! I did half and half with Parker, just because sometimes store bought was more convienant. I have a book that I loved, so once I find it i'll let ya know what it is called. Good luck!
I made homemade for Denali, and we also did Gerber too. I used a Cuisinart Food Processor and it worked great! I also loved to save the plastic Gerber containers with their lids and then I'd put the homemade stuff in the containers and freeze them. It was really convenient that way! Good luck!
YOu are much more ambitious than I am! Dane will be fed by Gerber :) But if you can do it, I say good for you! Are you already starting her on solids?
Good job, Kasie! I made baby food for Gavin...used a small cuisinart food processor. Worked perfectly. Lucky for me, Gavin preferred the consistency of fork mashed fruits and veggies, so he started on table food early. Have fun with that! Baby Kaiah is darling :)
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!
Becca - you are the greatest! What would I do without you?
Mindi - no, I'm not starting her on solids yet. I will wait until 6 months, but I am so freakin OCD I have to get a head start on preparing!
Kasie, I waited until 6 months to start both of mine on solids as well. It's a personal choice, but I always felt it was uneccesary to start them any earlier.
I also have a great baby cookbook I can let you borrow. I still use it, so I'll have to get it back from you in a few months, but I think you'll like it! I'll have your bows too. Wow, I'll be like Santa Claus tomorrow! :)
Hi Kasie,
Well done, you feel so good knowing that you made your baby's food yourself. And, not only is it best for baby, it is so easy to do!
Kas....I am proud of you....I think your a little nuts....but smart. I am glad you learned from your mommy's mistakes and want to make things better for bug. However, just remember....grandma's can give anything to the children and it doesn't count...I am sorry I don't write the rules.....but it is the big one...what happens at grandma's stays at grandma's hahaha
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