Friday, January 29, 2010

The refigerator is empty . . . AGAIN

I don't even know how it is possible that, once again, we have no food in our house. Didn't I JUST go grocery shopping? Yes, most definitely, but lately I can't help but put everything into my mouth!

I tried so hard my whole pregnancy to be good about what I ate. I focused mostly on fresh foods and even resisted the pregnancy cravings. That is, until about four days ago. And now, well, let's just say that the stretch marks popping up on my belly have a good reason for being there.

Argh, what should I do? I know! I think there is a half-full back of chocolate chips in the freezer . . .

Monday, January 25, 2010

Dear baby girl,

I can't believe that I only have four weeks left until I get to finally look into your beautiful eyes. I have been counting down - week by week, day by day - and now it is almost time. Are you okay in there? Do you know who I am? Do you think about me? Because I think about you. Constantly. I think about your smile and little toes and the way I already seem to know so much about you. Daddy thinks you are going to be shy, since you refuse to let anyone feel you move except him and me. Maybe. Either way, we both cannot wait for you to join our little family. We can't wait until we can hold you in our arms and tell you how grateful we are to have you here. People keep telling us how much our lives are going to change when you get here. We believe it, and we are completely ready. We know that our lives will revolve around you, because they already do. You already consume all of our thoughts and dreams. We are so excited for you to come, but don't come just yet. Stay in there safe and warm and keep growing until you are ready to face this world out here. Sweet dreams, little girl, and know that there are many, many people waiting to see the beautiful girl you will become.


Saturday, January 23, 2010


It's a new year.

(Well, it was 25 days ago. With how fantastic I've been at procrastinating lately, being 25 days late isn't too bad . . . it's actually pretty good!)

And this new year, one of my goals is to blog more. I've been a blogging slacker, not just because I was super busy, but also because I kinda lost my motivation to blog. What's the point when only like three people read it? But I got re-inspired when I saw the awesome books that people have been making from their blogs. Considering the fact that I am not at all a scrapbooker, I think this is probably the best way to document our lives! So, I hope to use my blog as a record-keeper of our lives so that I can share it with my kids someday.

Maybe this will be enough motivation for me to not procrastinate and blog. Maybe . . . not entirely likely, but possible.

Here goes 2010!