1- Have you ever noticed how people get super defensive about the pronoun "it"? - Seriously, it is just a pronoun. Maybe it bothers you when I refer to your cat or dog or child as an "it." I'm not sorry. Our language has a lack of a pronoun that works for both a man and a woman, and until one is added to the dictionary by the language gods, I think I will stick with my "it."
2- Lately I have been craving fruit and veggies a ton, but I never want to buy them because it grosses me out if they are in the fridge for more than 2 days. Dilemma, I know.
3- Summer is almost over but I never really feel like it started - but my feet do. I have nasty flip-flop heels. Gross. Any suggestions that don't cost a billion dollars?
4- Speaking of money, how is it possible that Jer and I have been poor college students our whole marriage and yet we have accumulated so much stuff? Seriously - how does this happen?Someday you will hear on the news that kasie and jer have disappeared in the mounds of crap stuffed around their house. Except, now you actually won't hear that story, because I just got rid of a little bit of it at a yard sale. Nice.
5- By the way, I have a new job as a tutor at the writing center. I promise I am good - just don't judge me by my blog writing.
6- What's up with all the haters? Lately it seems like everyone I talk to is SOOOO critical about everything - movies, food, people, politics . . . everything. I honestly believe that life is SOOOOOO much easier if you enjoy most things you encounter. Why spend the time being all critical about things - you can have your Twilight and classic literature, too! Especially when it comes to relationships. People become so freakin picky and critical of their friends and family members. Chill-ax, people. I promise it is less work to just let it go and be happy about it then it is to always hold grudges. I think you can tell a lot about someone by asking how many people they hate in the world. Me - zero.
Maybe the next post will tell you about all the important things happening in my life right now, but maybe not. :)
Loved your thoughts Kasie!!!!!
1. I call my own baby an "it" and I know what it is.
2. Frozen veggies and lots of trips to the store for fruit, or mmm a fruit smoothie.
3. If you find a solution let me know!
4. wait till you have a kid, I swear your amount of junk doubles.
5. I am sure you are amazing ! ;)
6. if food is bad don't eat it, if the movie looks dumb don't go see it. politics will always be rotten and people are people. Rather than complain I agree relax, you will thank yourself in years to come when you have fewer grey hairs. Who wants grey hairs over a bad meal.
xoxox love your guts
So I have a suggestion for #3, it has worked for me and I have pretty smooth feet all through the summer. So if you get caluses(However you speel it) or rough spots, just shave it off in the shower with your razor, sounds weird but it does help with all that dry, rough, dead skin. Then afterwards instead of spending lots of money on expensive lotions and creams just put neosporine on your heals and feet. So maybe try it if you are up for it. And if you do let me know if it works for you.
You're totally right about the "hating," it's a total waste of energy. But I must say, nothing beats a little recreational spout of disagreement as a conduit for releasing extra energy. ;)
I have flip flop heels too. And I agree about the hating too. Great post!
Tried the razor thing for flip flop heels. It's DOES work. Excellent suggestion, and thanks!
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