Thursday, January 24, 2013

To my Maisie,

1 year. 17 lbs (7th percentile). 27 inches (13th percentile).


You're so little. You're my baby. I'm having an incredibly hard time believing that you are a whole year old. Yet, every single day you do something new to prove to me that you aren't a baby anymore. You're growing up.
  • You walk. Not all the time, but in this excited bouncy little way of yours. You're pretty stable, but you get so excited and ahead of yourself and then stumble, with a giggle, to the ground.
  • You communicate more than I ever thought possible. You point and say "that" all the time. I swear you say "mama" and "dada" and "kai."
  • Food around you, any food (olives, pickles, lemons) disappears. We haven't found anything that you won't eat.
So big. Yet, every once in awhile you let me hold on to those little baby moments of yours. I'm not ready to let them go yet. Not yet. I cherish them too incredibly much.
  • You will sometimes still fall asleep in my arms. It happens less every week.
  • You still love your sleep. You dive for your bed at night and sleep 13-14 hours every night, plus a 2-3 hour nap during the day.
  • Giggle. Your toothy giggly face has never changed. You laugh deeper and truer than any one I have ever known.
There is so much. You are so much. You are this little ball of hopes and dreams and love. So much love. And you are changing so incredibly fast. There is so much I don't want to forget.
  • Elf nose. That's what Aunt Kamie always says. You have a perpetually pink nose that makes you look like a happy little elf. Perfect.
  • Mommy's girl. There is nothing that you love more than crawling over to mommy, being picked up, and just being held. I think you would spend forever in my arms, sucking your thumb, if you could. I wish you could.
  • You're already a best friend. You're obsessed with your baby cousin Aandi. You love her. You smother her with affection.
  • Sometimes I swear you are a puppy. You love to crawl around carrying toys in your mouth. Silly little girl.
I am so excited to watch you grow. I can just tell that you are going to be absolutely beautiful. Breathtaking. I can't wait to watch you become best friends with your sister. She loves you so incredibly much. Every one of your tears is her tear. Every one of your cries is her cry. She can't be happy when you're sad. None of us can. You completed our family. Kaiah made me a mom, and you made us a family. I am a better person because of you. You've softened me. I feel deeper and stronger than ever before. That's from you.

I love you so incredibly much and always, always will.



Kamie said...

You pegged her exactly. I love you little Maisie face so much!

grandma weewee said...

Our little Maisie face is our sweet little imp. Her smile lights up the room and the twinkle in her eye shows us she is special! I love you so much baby girl!

Naazju said...

Such beautiful sentiments!