My beautiful, amazing, talented, insane, smokin hot, super fun, and hilarious little sister just celebrated her 23rd birthday! She is seriously my best friend ever and has been my whole entire life!
She is the sweetest and most caring person ever and gets honestly affected by the sufferings or joy of complete strangers! Everything is personal to her, which means that she would never, ever hurt anyone on purpose! She cares more about people than any other soul I have ever met!
She is also the most hilarious person I have ever met! She can have me rolling on the floor peeing my pants at the snap of a finger and almost all of my very best memories have to deal with Kamie! She has a humor that is all her own and is so true and genuine that it can never be repeated!
She is also seriously talented at everything she does - super woman or something like that! She is an amazing dancer, choreographer, coach, teacher, and public speaker! She rocks my socks off!
Something not a lot of people know . . . Kamie is also an AMAZING writer! It just all comes naturally to her! She has written some amazing poems and the funniest yet most profound short stories I have ever read! She also has a beautiful singing voice (which she never uses!)
She can down food like no one I have ever seen and yet still run circles around Jer and me at the track! She is buff and hot yet still a total chocoholic!
She is completely original and unique - and could never, ever be duplicated or replaced. She is one of a kind in every sense of the phrase and such an amazing creative person! I have never met anyone else who can clean a whole house with vinegar or fix a stain on a blue shirt with white out!
Most importantly, though, she is a loyal and true friend. There is no one in the world who would listen to my problems with more patience and understanding and absolutely no one else I would rather waste away the day with doing absolutely nothing. Kamie makes that time fly by and I feel like I can never, ever get enough of her! I never get sick or tired of her and just always wish that she could be with me 24/7! She knows me inside out and loves me anyway - which is saying a lot! There is no one who knows more just what I need and when I need it then she does and for sure no one else I can laugh with as much!
So here's to you, baby sis! Thanks for being my absolute best friend no matter what and being my true soul sister! I can't wait to see what the next 23 years have for us! And, as long as your there by my side, I am sure they will be fantastic!
Oh, and I miss you!
Old Enough For the Temple!
5 years ago
WOW- I believe that this is my favorite post........ EVER!!!! Thanks for all the incredibly sweet, maybe somewhat over-exaggerated (but maybe not! :) comments!!!!!! I love you and miss you and I want to let you know that YOU ARE THE GREATEST AND THE MOST HILARIOUS PERSON EVER!!!!!!!! MUAH!
I second everything that you said......and I think your pretty cool and smokin hot too toad!
oooh, this is so sweet Kasie, what a sweet sister you are!! Happy Birthday Kamie!!!
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